12 Effective Tips To Remove Blackheads

If you have some milk and gelatin leaves on hand, you can prepare your homemade patches against blackheads. First, clean your face well and dilate your pores by taking a hot shower or taking a steam bath. Pour a tablespoon of milk into the microwave-safe container. Cut the gelatin sheets into small pieces with a pair of scissors and dip it in the milk, then put it in the microwave for 15 seconds. Mix everything together and wait for it to cool. Apply the paste on the nose, and especially on the contours of the nose. When the patch is completely dry, peel it off as if it were a piece of tape and you will see the black dots stuck to the patch.

2. Lemon juice

Before going to bed at night, get into the habit of doing this: squeeze lemon into a glass; Soak a cotton ball with this lemon juice and apply it to the skin without rubbing too much on the affected areas which are most often the chin, nose and forehead. Finally, let the lemon juice dry and go to bed.

3. A toothbrush

To get rid of blackheads faster than with just lemon juice, take a toothbrush and dip it in it. Do a circular massage where you have blackheads. You can repeat this operation as many times as you want, just rinse your toothbrush well with clean water. This tip is not recommended for those with overly sensitive skin.

4. The rhassoul

Put 2 tablespoons of rhassoul in a bowl and slowly pour water over it to obtain a smooth paste. Add 3 drops of tea tree essential oil and mix again. Perfectly remove make-up from your face and apply the mask. Leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water using light rotating movements with your fingertips to make the rhassoul peel. Finish with a copious rinse to remove any residue.

5. Sage

sage leaves help dilate pores to extract blackheads. Infuse 5 or 6 sage leaves in a bowl for 10 minutes. Place your face over the bowl, a towel over your head and when the water is warm, gently remove your blackheads. Be careful do not pierce your skin with your fingernails. Just press down with the skin of your fingers.

6. The tomato

The tomato is a champion for cleaning the skin of your face and, therefore, eliminating blackheads. Cut the tomato into fairly thick slices and lie down to put the tomatoes on your face, covering it entirely. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. Wipe off with a towel, patting lightly. Above all, do not apply no moisturizer , this will fill the pores and destroy the properties of the tomato.

7. Egg white

Egg white tightens pores and if combined with lemon , it forms a very effective cleansing and purifying mask against blackheads in addition to the creamy texture of this mixture is really super pleasant on the skin. You have to beat the egg whites and add a few drops of lemon juice to them. Then apply this mixture to your face, leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

8. A steam bath

It’s very easy to do. By using water vapor , your pores will expand and you can then extract blackheads with your fingers. Boil some water, pour it into a large bowl and wait until it is a little cooler. Cover your face with a clean towel, stand over the bowl and stay there for 5 minutes. Then gently wipe your face with the towel, and voila! Your pores will be open and you will be able to remove blackheads . This tip should be avoided by those with overly sensitive skin and should not be repeated more than once a week.

9. Bicarbonate

This trick gives guaranteed effects in 1 week . Squeeze a lemon into any container, add baking soda to make a creamy paste . Use this mixture on the nose and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Do this 1 time per day for a week to see results. You should no longer have blackheads on your nose.

10. Salt

Here is a very simple and very effective blackhead peeling recipe: put 2 pinches of salt in your hand, add 2 or 3 drops of olive oil , massage the affected areas and rinse with cold water. This treatment can be done once a week.

11. Clay

Clay-based masks are very effective in removing the sebum which is the cause of the appearance of blackheads. Put a teaspoon of green clay in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt and a few drops of lemon, until you get a smooth paste. Add 2 drops of essential oil of citrus limon. Apply this mixture to the affected areas and leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse with cold water. Do this treatment once or twice a week.

12. The potato

Rub gently the affected areas with potatoes cut into slices. You can do this several times a day as soon as you see blackheads and stop when they go away, as this tip does not prevent their appearance.