Dust In The Bedroom: 8 Tips To Avoid It

The first thing to prevent dust in your bedroom is to wash the sheets and pillowcases every week. Do it at a minimum of 60 °, to completely remove all traces of dust.

2. Limit flat surfaces

Here is a very logical tip. By reducing the number of flat surfaces in your room, dust will have fewer places to collect. Plus, with minimalism fashion getting rid of a few extra decorations or furniture won't be a problem.

3. Nothing should be lying around on the floor

Even if you removed all of the flat surfaces in your bedroom, the floor will still be there. The problem is, dust loves the ground, it accumulates there to their heart's content! So be careful never to leave anything on the floor and vacuum regularly. If you have a carpet, shake it regularly!

4. Remove upholstered furniture

I'm sorry to tell anyone who adores this kind of furniture that they might be better removed or replaced. Dust loves tapestries even more than floors.

5. Use a damp cloth

A microfiber cloth is fine, but a damp cloth is better! Use it once a week in your bedroom to remove dust. Also remember to go over the edges of your windows.

6. Do not go in with your shoes

It’s a silly habit to get into, just leave your shoes in the hall and never let them in our room. In addition to bringing back dirt from the outside, shoes carry dust with every step we take.

7. Tidy up your wardrobe

It doesn't matter what your closet is filled with. All fabrics attract dust. It would be best to put them in protective covers or boxes and store them on easily accessible shelves. The best choice would be to use like this . They protect while saving you space.

8. Keep toys away from your pets

All of your pet's accessories shouldn't fit in your room if you want to keep dust out. Place his basket and toys in another room. But if you absolutely want to sleep with him, wash his basket very regularly.

There you go! you know how to prevent dust build-up.