What happens to the body if you skip meals? Here are the effects on weight and health

Weight gain and loss of muscle mass

The meal you shouldn't skip is breakfast . Numerous studies show that this bad habit promotes overweight and obesity. When we fast we lose fluids first, then muscle, and finally fat. Fasting turns the brain on, prompting us to consume carbohydrates. Therefore, if we skip meals, our body is removing protein from the muscle in order to obtain glucose. This way we lose muscle mass.

Promotes the yo-yo effect

When we skip meals and diet drastically, we promote what is known as the “yo-yo effect” , which occurs when we lose weight and immediately put it back on. , often more than the ones we lost. This is especially harmful to health, as it affects the metabolism and promotes weight gain.

Slows down the metabolism

Skipping meals slows down your basal metabolic rate, which is the consumption of calories while at rest. The sudden hunger that occurs after fasting is perceived by the brain as a threat, which stimulates the metabolism to save energy. As a result, our body will burn less calories which will lead to weight gain. If, on the other hand, you want to keep your metabolism active, it is important to eat little and often: the 3 main meals should be accompanied by 2 snacks, one in the middle of the morning and one in the middle of the afternoon.

Increases abdominal fat

The accumulation of fat on the belly carries health risks because it predisposes to high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, strokes and heart attacks. If the body does not get food for a while, it tends to keep fat stores in the abdomen, eat little and accumulate more.

Consequences on the mind and mood

Skipping meals causes a drop in glucose , which also affects the brain. If we don't eat breakfast in the morning, we are not providing the body with the right nutrients to start the day. Eating complex carbohydrates, like whole grains, but also good protein and fat, will get us started the day the right way. Being hungry also affects our mood: we are more irritable, because of the drop in sugars. Skipping meals therefore puts the body under tension and this affects dopamine and serotonin, the two hormones of happiness.

The risk of nutritional deficiencies and eating disorders increases

Skipping meals for weight loss increases the risk of nutritional deficiencies and eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia nervosa and uncontrolled eating disorders, which all have in common the obsession with food, body weight and image. Therefore, eating regular meals also helps to avoid suffering from these disorders which can be dangerous for our health.

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