5 bad habits that destroy a marriage

We've all heard her say: Life before and after marriage are two completely different things. Once the sacred bond is established, a certain sense of responsibility and a willingness to always care for one another. It is important that each partner takes this into consideration. Keep in mind that every action and attitude matters. So be careful not to let little trivial things pile up and spoil your marriage afterwards.
To help you, we show you 5 points that can destroy a couple in the long run.
This article is for women, but it also applies to men.
Letting go of physical affection
Men need physical affection almost all the time. Whenever you refuse this affection, he takes it upon himself. The worst thing you can do is use sex as blackmail to gain more control over your husband. It would be better to see it as a way to deepen the bond that unites you. Having a loving, longing husband for you is a great thing that you shouldn't spoil. Of course, there may be times when you don't want to. In this case, kindly make him understand.