A giant lava dome resurfaces

The volcanoes of the Hawaiian archipelago are particularly active. For example, Pu'u 'Ō'ō volcano has been erupting since 1983 and serves as the longest eruption on the island. Before it, another volcano left a remarkable trail of a lava dome.
In 1969, the Hawaiian volcano Kilauea, located on the volcanic mountain of Mauna Ulu, erupted. It was a rather amazing eruption that occurred since the volcano remained in eruption for five years, from 1969 to 1974. That is a total of 1774 days during which Kilauea spread its bright lava.
In that time, Kilauea's eruption became the longest recorded eruption and produced nearly 351 million cubic meters of lava. An astronomical amount that also created a remarkable event. It is on a sublime picture recently unveiled by the US Geological Survey that we can discover this sublime spectacle.