California: a road is mysteriously deformed

A road in the county of Los Angeles, in the United States, has mysteriously deformed in just three hours. An event that experts are still unable to explain.
In California, in the Santa Clarita Valley, the asphalt of a road suddenly deformed on a portion of about sixty meters, for a reason still unknown. The phenomenon occurred last November 19, when neither earthquake nor heavy rains took place.
A road in Los Angeles County, USA, deformed mysteriously in just three hours. An event that experts are still unable to explain.
The mystery remains complete to this day. On images taken on December 19 at 12:08 pm, the road is still in good condition, while at 3:36 pm on the same day an earthquake seems to have devastated the roadway, making traffic impossible. Bumps up to 4.5 meters high were even recorded on site.
A progressive landslide in the surrounding hills is one of the hypotheses evoked by scientists, according to the Science Alert website. Others suggest the consequences of years of rain that would have saturated the subsoil until it collapsed.
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