Deodorant tablets for toilets: how to prepare them at home

1) What do you need to prepare them

To prepare these very ecological and economical toilet deodorant tablets, you need few ingredients which are very easy to find. You will need a cup of baking soda (approximately 160 g), 6 spoons of lemon juice (about 60 ml), 1 ½ spoon of white wine vinegar (about 15 g ), 1 ½ spoon of hydrogen peroxide , 2 spoons of ' tea tree essential oil (approximately 30 g).

2) The procedure

In a medium-sized plastic bowl, pour the baking soda, removing the grains, and then add the lemon juice and white wine vinegar. Mix everything together with a fork or spoon, so the ingredients can be squeezed and compressed. Then it's time to add the hydrogen peroxide; pour it slowly to avoid possible chemical reactions. The last step is adding tea tree essential oil, a substance that acts as a disinfectant and a natural antimicrobial. The product obtained can be put in a mold, where it should be left to dry to remain compact.