3 Tips To Save Money With Immediate Effects
1. Always pay in cash
Always try to pay for your purchases in cash . Because by paying with a credit card, we do not see the money coming out of our pockets. Which makes it difficult to be aware of the expense. Going to the ATM to withdraw money to pay with tickets is a way of saving that should not be underestimated.
2. Overestimate expenses
When making your spending forecasts , try to get into the habit of overestimating them while being realistic of course. To increase the effect of this trick you can also underestimate your cash flow. This will force you to put more effort into saving money. So the "I thought I had more money" will turn into "I didn't think I had that much". To save even more, put that money in a piggy bank.
3. Wait 2 days before a purchase
Wait 2 days before giving in to your idea of purchase. So you will have time to think about your purchase. In 3/4 of the cases, you will forgo this purchase. It was just a simple consumption urge and by waiting 2 days it will pass. So you will no longer regret certain unnecessary purchases.
These tips should save you a little bit of savings every day and after a few weeks you will really feel the results.