This Is How Burglars Get Into Our Home and 11 Ways To Avoid It

If on your way home, when you are looking for the keys in your pocket or in your bag, you see something strange on your windows or your door, it is surely because your house has been visited. by burglars, who unfortunately knew how to get in.
This is a technique that is now recognized all over the world: burglars make a hole in the door and, using a long and narrow tool (usually a screwdriver), they manage to trigger the door lock. But this is only one method among many ...
According to recent research, burglaries have doubled in the past 10 years . This is shattering data that should put us on alert. This is why it is necessary to protect yourself with everything you have available. And who could reveal the mistakes people make when it comes to home security better than burglars?
So we looked for an interesting study by a team from the University of North Carolina of 422 prisoners accused of theft . The data has shown which strategies are used the most and the best ways to protect yourself against them.
There you go, 11 ways to prevent burglars from entering your home.