How Long Should You Keep Your Papers?

3 years

- Tax notice
- Proof of income tax payment
- Rental contract
- TV license

- Electricity and gas and water bill
- Bank statement
- Check stub

10 years

- Co-ownership charges
- Invoices related to the work
- Claim file

30 years

- Acknowledgment of debt

Until retirement

- Salary slip
- Employment contract
- Letter of dismissal
- Payment of daily allowances
- Unemployment benefit bulletin


- Marriage contract
- Divorce judgment
- Family record book
- Health record book
- Medical certificate and examination
- Vaccination record
- Act of adoption
- Diploma
- Title of payment of retirement pension

Until the warranty expires

- Invoice for electronic devices
- Guarantee certificate

Until renewal

- Identity card
- Passport

There you go! now you can save space by throwing away papers that you thought you should keep your whole life. -