How To Calculate Your Ideal Weight
1. The ideal weight according to sex
This formula is only valid for adults between 18 and 65 years old with the exception of pregnant women and high level athletes. Additionally, this formula calculates the weight limit before it becomes excessive.
1. Ideal weight of a man in kg = height in cm - 100 - ((height in cm - 150)/4).
2. Ideal weight of a woman in kg = height in cm - 100 - ((height in cm - 150)/2.5).
2. The ideal weight according to the morphology
Remember that the results are indicative. Especially since for this formula, the notion of morphology is subjective.
1. Ideal weight in kg for a "normal" morphology = (height in cm - 100 + age in years/10) x 0.9
2. Ideal weight in kg for a "thin" body type = (height in cm - 100 + age in years/10) x 0.9 x 0.9
3. Ideal weight in kg for a "large" morphology = (height in cm - 100 + age in years/10) x 0.9 x 1.1
3. The ideal weight according to the structure
This formula takes into account muscle mass and bone structure. So, to get an idea of these two data just measure the circumference of the wrist. This index like all the others is purely indicative. Indeed, the best way to check your weight is to consult a doctor or a dietitian.
• Ideal weight in kg = (height in cm - 100 + (4 x wrist circumference in cm))/2
4. The body mass indicator (BMI)
Finally, the body mass index is used to assess the health risks associated with being overweight or thin. This formula is a reliable method for adults 18 to 65 years old, but cannot be used as is for pregnant or breastfeeding women, seniors, endurance athletes or very muscular people.
• BMI = weight in kg/(height in meter x height in meter)
Under 18.5: underweight
- 18.5 to 25: normal build
- 25 to 30: overweight
- 30 to 35: moderate obesity
- 35 to 40: severe obesity
over 40: morbid obesity
There you have it, you have all the tools to calculate your ideal weight. But, remember that the most important thing is to feel good and good about yourself.