The appearance of this cloud is generally not a good sign

The Undulatus asperatus is a very particular cloud. With its wave-like appearance, it often precedes storms, although it can sometimes dissipate before the rain. These clouds are mostly found in the American plains, in the morning or at midday. The undulations that animate it are due to gravity waves generated by air mass movements and atmospheric pressure variations.
This chaotic wave-like cloud formation has been photographed from all angles around the world", and it is quite scary.
To use words everyone understands, the clouds look pretty apocalyptic, the kind of clouds you'd expect to see on doomsday, or during an alien invasion. All you have to do is look at those clouds to know that something not so good is about to happen."
To get a better sense of this, here's a video that shows what they look like.
Suddenly, its name seems very apropos. Indeed, "asperitas" is the Latin translation of hard.