Sprouted Potatoes: Are They Edible?

But the question that remains to be answered is: can we eat potatoes that have sprouted? Yes, but we need to focus on the appearance of his skin. If the latter is aged or wrinkled, it cannot be consumed, but if the skin does not have these characteristics, we can eat the earthy skin after removing the skin.

Be aware that ingesting too much solanine can cause gastrointestinal upset, headaches, dizziness and tachicardia.

The benefits

Potatoes also have many benefits. First of all, they are rich in B vitamins and C and mineral salts . Among the latter, we find very important elements like calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and potassium. Another amazing property of potatoes is to lower blood pressure and they are effective in treating many skin problems according to Chinese medicine. In addition, the skin contains many fibers .